Guillermo Kuitca - Snoeck Publishing; Hauser & Wirth Publishers; 2016 - 150p; 31x24cm

During a residency at Hauser & Wirth Somerset June 2013, Argentinean artist Guillermo Kuitca created an immersive wall painting in the dining room of the ­residential house. This mural represents the first time Kuitca painted an entire space, completely surround­ing the viewer, which sub­sequently triggered a shift in his artistic practice. The resulting new body forms the focus of this publication, which offers fascinating insights into matters of domestic space and architecture. Co-published with Hauser & Wirth, the book features a contribution by Michael C. FitzGerald, professor of fine arts at Trinity College, Hartford. He has written extensively on Picasso and his legacy in contemporary art, and ­published several catalogs accompanying exhibitions, among others at the Museu Picasso, Bar­celona; the Whitney Museum of American Art; and the Wadsworth Atheneum.



N4390-5098 Visual Arts. Exhibitions
