Future Perfect: Catastrophe and Redemption in the Contemporary / المستقبل التّام: الكارثة و الخلاص في الزمن المعاصر / Editor: Rohit Goel (BICAR) - Kaph Books, Beirut; 421, Mina Zayed, Abu Dhabi; 2023 - 282p; 23x16cm

Published as a result of 421 Curatorial Development Exhibition Program, in partnership with Bombay Institute of Critical Analysis and research (BICAR), which took place in 2021–2022. This cycle of the program was titled "Future Perfect: Catastrophe and The Contemporary" and included a series of talks and discussions in which the contributors of this publication have participated. An artistic and reflexive project around the notion of the "future perfect", the passage of time, individual and collective responsibility in the current cultural and political ecosystem, and future perspectives and goals. Foreword by Faisal Al Hassan; introduction by Rohit Goel. Contributions by Rohit Goel, Frank Ruda, Mays Albaik, Ala Younis, Isaac Sullivan, Veeranganakumari Solanki, Rico Franses, Mona Al Jadir, Mays Albaik.

English; Arabic


N7560-8266 Visual Arts. Special subjects of artUAE Art