Dalton Paula

Dalton Paula / Editors: Glaucea Helena de Britto, Adriano Pedrosa, Lilia Moritz Schwarcz - MASP- Museu de Arte de Sao Paulo/KMEC Books; 2023 - 383p; 25x18cm

Contents: 1. Introduction / Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev -- 2. On Perception; Etel Adnan's Visual Art / Simone Fattal -- 3. Etel Adnan in conversation with Hans Ulrich Obrist Autumn 2011 -- 4. Etel Adnan in conversation with Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev -- 5. Biographical Notes -- 6. Bibliography --7. List of Works

The Brazilian artist Dalton Paula (born 1982) works across painting, installation, photography and sculpture. Drawing on rigorous visual research, he seeks to critically interpret historical events, particularly as they have affected Black people in Brazil―a country that, after Nigeria, contains the second-largest population of African descent. Dalton Paula: Brazilian Portraits showcases a sampling from the portrait series Paula embarked on in 2018, a tribute to the Black Brazilian men and women who fought for freedom and justice over the course of several centuries but have been systematically erased from the country’s dominant historical narrative. Through his portraits (one of which―a gripping rendering of the Brazilian slave rebellion leader Zeferina―appears on the cover of the much-acclaimed 2021 volume Afro-Atlantic Histories), Paula provides much-needed dignity, visibility and recognition to these valorous figures.



N8350-8356 Art as a profession. ArtistsBrazil