Sharjah Art Foundation Library

…In which something happens all over again for the very first time

…In which something happens all over again for the very first time / Cerith Wyn Evans - Paris Musees, Les Musees de la Ville de Paris; Stadtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus und Kunstbau, Munich; 2006. - 200p; 32x32cm

Exhibition catalog. June-Sep 2006. In Which Something Happens All Over Again For The Very First Time is the first comprehensive publication to deal with the sculptural installations, film projections, neon texts and sound productions of the Welsh artist, Cerith Wyn Evans. Evans began as an assistant to the American underground filmmaker Derek Jarman, concentrating on his own short experimental films throughout the 1980s. In the 1990s he began to produce installations that explored the phenomenology of language, time and perception. In recent years, he has expanded his arsenal of materials to include fireworks, neon, texts, film, photography and sculpture. Of his work shown at Tate Modern's 2006 Triennial, the Tate described his work: "Cerith Wyn Evans approaches knowledge like a magpie, borrowing from authors of the past to invigorate the viewer's perceptions of the present. Though comprising few elements, his work is decadent and intense, both with its use of references as well as in its magical and dramatic effect." ISBN: 287900988-X; 3886451658


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