Sharjah Art Foundation Library


Spangbergianism / Marten Spangberg - Marten Spangberg; 2011 - 176p; 18x11cm

This book is a performance. It was put together over sixty-four days as a sort of rehearsal, during which every day resulted in a showing [forbid them] in the shape of a blog-post. It’s material, form and content is the result of a daily practice, aiming at two minor issues - to change the world [permanently], and second to find a way out of our present predicament [FFW apocalypse] concerning dance and choreography but also capitalism in general [why be modest]. It’s one hundred and something pages of hysterical accusations, oversized banalities, slamming of already open doors, over the top categorical statements, unmotivated mood-swings, cheese making and paranoid [in the good sense of the word] arrogance.



N81-390 Study and teaching. Research

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