Sharjah Art Foundation Library

SSS How to imitate the sound of the shore using two hands and a carpet

SSS How to imitate the sound of the shore using two hands and a carpet Cevdet Erek - Beirut Kayfa Ta Publishing Initiative, Amman 2017 - 60p 17cm

This publication is an adaptation of Cevdet Erek’s artist book SSS – Shore Scene Soundtrack, Theme and Variations for Carpet, originally published in Istanbul in 2007, by BAS (İstanbul Sanat Aras ̧tırmaları Dernegi), in the context of BENT, Artists’ Books from Turkey, edited by Banu Cennetoğlu and Philippine Hoegen, with design adviser Bülent Erkmen and prepress production assistant Oğuz Yaşargil. These editions are produced in the context of and with support from Durub Al Tawaya (2014 and 2017); a program curated by Tarek Abou El Fetouh within Abu Dhabi Art.



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